Monday, August 6, 2012


"Knowledge of what is does not open the door directly to what should be."   - Albert Einstein

For Those Who Don't Know Me.
(All you other people: you're awesome and you're free to skip this part if you want... as if you need permission)
     Hi, I'm Scott.  I'm 23 years old and Arizona is where I call home even though I spend most of my time up at school at BYU-Idaho.  Of course, I'm a mormon.  Yes, this will play heavily into most things I post.  Having said that, one of the purposes (just one) of this blog is to reason through different subjects based on the merits of the subject itself and I intend to give all points of view fair consideration (critical thinking, to say it another way).  If you find my thoughts and ideas unacceptable based solely on the fact that I'm a mormon, please don't comment on this blog as bias taints the atmosphere of sound reasoning. [gets down off soap box]  Things I like to do: graphic art (computer awesomeness), coding of ever increasing varieties (more computer awesomeness), simple things like taking long walks (not off of short cliffs), throwing a frisbee with friends, talking, thinking, swimming, making new kinds of food and everything like such as.  Oh, and being productive.  That usually feels good.  Hopefully, that gives you a starting place in understanding the world of my mind.  Really your best insight into that though will be through reading the things I post.  Over time it'll become more clear... or I'm more troubled than I thought.

Blogging and I.
     Our relationship in the past has been... strained.  Blogging and I started a while back when I attempted to blog about my graphic design adventures and hopefully shed some light into the methods behind things that look awesome. Since you're reading this, you've probably already read it and know that I haven't posted in it for... a long time.  I haven't completely given up on it yet, there's still some great potential there, but I'm confident that I'll post in this blog more often since it's based more in thoughts and ideas rather than graphics (It was a lot of work to make that first post.  Lots of pictures and stuff).  Let's just say I've been the neglectful one in this relationship, but I'll be better to you, blogging.  I promise.

The Premise.
        So, I wanted to post a thought on facebook and it was rather lengthy.  Then I thought of another thought equally lengthy and I realized the sad truth that I needed to start a blog.  Did I say sad truth?  I meant: blogging is wonderful and I have no stereotypes about bloggers.  Well, now that's out of the way.  I like the idea of open discussions and I find that when I present the things I think about before the public I get feedback that either confirms my point of view or gives me an opportunity to reshape the way I think.  I get to see things through different eyes.  I like that and I think it's healthy.  Also I hope that in either case people gain something good and insightful from what I have to say.  Mostly I just want the world to be a better place and I believe that if we diligently seek to figure this world out through sources and thought processes that are reliable, not clouded by preconceived notions and ignorance (purposeful or otherwise), we will all reach a very good place even if we don't agree with each other.

     Honestly, this is going to be a sort of "mind dump" for me.  Happy thoughts, philosophies, something new I learned, issues, random ideas.  Sometimes I'll post to get feedback, sometimes not.  So, if you disagree with the sporadicness of my blog, that's okay.  It is a blog after all.

Congratulations are in Order.
     Hooray!  You made it to the end of the intro!  (or you skipped to the end.  In that case: shame on you)

Until Next Time.
     Don't kill anybody that isn't trying to kill you.

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