Monday, August 13, 2012


Bigot [n] : a person who is bigoted.

(All definitions are from the New Oxford American Dictionary)

...well, aren't we glad that isn't amazingly obvious.

Bigoted [adj] : having or revealing an obstinate belief in the superiority of one's own opinions and a prejudiced intolerance of the opinions of others.

     So, I've been recently reading on the subject of gay marriage and I found this word "bigot" used very regularly by people in favor of the issue to describe those who oppose it, especially in the case of people who oppose it for religious reasons.  Here are some examples:

     I admit, I'm defensive.  I oppose gay marriage for religious reasons (further detail on that in a later post) and I feel like the religious community is sorely misrepresented in many cases.  Now, before anybody goes berserk, let me say that the point I want to make isn't about gay marriage. (like I said, that's a discussion for another day)  This is about the use of words.  If someone is going to use the word bigot to describe me or anybody, it should be used properly. (meaning: the person using the word has a sound understanding of it and has solid reason to conclude that whoever they are describing fits the definition)  For those being called bigots: If you are one, own up to it, get educated and stop being one.
     At any rate, after reading this post I hope that everyone decides to take a deeper look into their own opinions and why they think what they do.  Oh, and look up words in the dictionary.  It is so helpful.
     Now let's go back and take a closer look at the word "bigoted."

Bigoted [adj] : having or revealing an obstinate belief in the superiority of one's own opinions and a prejudiced intolerance of the opinions of others.

     As I said before, I've been reading on the subject of gay marriage and as a result looked up the word "bigot."  After that lead me to look up "bigoted," I realized that I only had a rough idea of what it meant because I didn't know what "obstinate" or "prejudiced" meant.  Of course I had an idea of what they meant, but I didn't really know what they meant.
     As a result of my dictionary adventures, I gained a lot of clarity about the definition of "bigoted." (Again, I highly suggest looking up words in the dictionary if you don't quite know what they mean.  It's amazing.  Yes I know that sounds weird)  Here's what I've found:

Obstinate [adj] : stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so.

     So, what I got out of this is that being obstinate is being "set" in an opinion or idea.
     Now, to start, I feel like I need to say that just because "attempts to persuade" someone to your point of view have been made and that person doesn't change their mind doesn't mean they are obstinate.  Obstinate people just don't change their mind ever, even if they're wrong.
     If sound evidence and/or reasoning dictate that there is a better route or solution than ours, I believe we should be willing to admit we are wrong and change for the better.  Am I right?  This happens in science every day.  One day we "know" how things work and then somebody discovers something that changes it all. Like atomic structure or that pluto isn't a planet (sorry, pluto. we still love you)  In order to learn, grow and inovate we have to be willing to accept new ideas, think of things in ways that we haven't before and, like I said, we must, above all, admit when we are wrong and change accordingly.  That's the foundation of learning.
     Having said that, I want to point out that an idea is not automatically correct because it is new or different.  Similarly, a person who does not accept a new or different idea is not automatically obstinate.  This is a huge part of the point I'm trying to make.

Prejudice [n] : preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.

     Having a "preconceived opinion" on a matter isn't inherently wrong unless it isn't based on reason or actual experience.  An example of a good "preconceived opinion" might be if a person had repeated bad experiences with several models of a certain brand of car, their "preconceived opinion" could reasonably be that the new model of that car brand will not be any better than the others.  Conversely, I think this car looks retarded, but that's no reason to say it isn't a good car.  I'd have to actually look up specs, get reviews from people who've owned one and/or test drive it to really evaluate if it's good or not.  Basically, the principle is to honestly think about the reason you have a particular opinion on a subject.  If your opinion is not based in reason or actual experience, what is it based in?  Not much and probably something that doesn't directly relate to the subject in question.

"...belief in the superiority of one's own opinions..."

     There's an idea implied in this phrase and implied very much in our society that essentially says that all ideas are equal and should be treated as such.  This causes a person who believes their opinion is "superior" to be labeled as arrogant or closed-minded.
     While all ideas should be given honest consideration, the truth is: not all ideas are equal.  For instance: we are presented with the problem of crossing a ravine...

     After a brief discussion of each bridge's merits it would quickly become clear that one bridge is a better solution than the other.  The fact that they are both bridges does not mean they are equal.  Similarly, just because an idea is an idea doesn't make it just as good as another idea.  Some ideas are actually better than others.
     Thus, believing that one opinion is "superior" to another is not inherently wrong.  We all do that to some extent when we form our own opinions on things.  This is only a problem when we are not willing to change our opinion should that become necessary.

Point (usu. the point) [n] : the significant or essential element of what is intended or being discussed.

     Theoretically, this is the part where I bring it all together and everything makes sense ...theoretically.

     There are many people who use religion as a sword to deal out unjust wounds or a shield to hide from the unpleasantness of controversial subjects.  There are people who fit the definition of "bigot" (religious or not) and there are even well meaning people who just want to defend something that means a lot to them, but do it the wrong way.  It is always wrong to do things that are hurtful, hateful, spiteful and ugly, but just because someone strongly disagrees with your position on a subject does not mean they are hateful or hurtful toward you. (that's determined by methods, not position)
     With that in mind I finally want to make this point: not everyone who holds an opposing view because of religion is a bigot.  There is so much in religion that is plain common sense and, believe it or not, religion is full of logic and sound reasoning.  There are many religious people who hold strong positions against gay marriage and a great many of them (hopefully more than not) are well informed, rational, caring and even sympathetic.  Bigoted people are not like this.
     So, I say simply: opposition because of religion does not a bigot make.

Close [verb] : bring or come to an end.

     For everybody (that means you): regardless of what your view on any subject is, don't "name call" and don't assume things about people without first giving an honest effort to understanding their point of view. (and in the mean time make sure you actually know what you believe and why you believe it)  Try to see things through others' eyes.  That's the only way we'll really be able to solve problems.

Thanks for reading and please let me know what you think! :D
       Posts looming on the horizon: Faith, Free-thinking, and Tradition.
       (not necessarily in this order. other ideas are in the works too. suggestions are welcome.)


  1. Scott. I love you Man.
    This was beautifully written.
    Thanks for your time and thoughts.
    -Sean B

  2. I wonder if the definition of bigots could be simplified to big-its. It is when we see ourselves as its, objects in relation to others, that is when we loose sight of what is true about us and those with whom we live on this temporary world of ours.

  3. Sean, thank you and keep spreading the love. You're awesome.
    Allen, that was such a beautiful way to put that. Thank you and I couldn't agree more.
